Our school target for attendance is set at 97%.
As a school, we monitor attendance and absences. Where attendance has become a concern, parents will be contacted informing them of this.
When a child is absent, the parent/guardian should inform the school either by a School Spider message, or telephone before 9.30am on each day of absence. If no message has been received by 9.30am, then the office staff will attempt to contact the parent/guardian. It is the Headteacher’s decision whether to authorise the absence. Absence without a valid reason is considered unauthorised.
Support for families
Sometimes it can be tricky to make the decision as to whether to send your child to school or not when they are unwell. Please do not hesitate to contact us so that we can support you and offer advice where possible. We are also here to listen if your child's attendance is causing concern. Do call us and come in for a chat - we are here to help.
In order to help you make the sometimes tricky decision as to whether your child should come to school when unwell, the NHS have provided this great document for families to refer to:
A daily register is taken by a member of staff from the year group. Register codes are entered according to the status of the child’s absence/attendance.
The registers are taken at 8:45am. Children arriving after this time should arrive via the main school office to have the relevant late mark added to the register.
Any child not present for registration will be marked late, and our admin team will follow-up communications in line with our attendance policy.
Please be aware that if your child arrives more than 30 minutes after the bell rings, they will be marked as an unauthorised absence for that morning and this may have a significant effect upon their attendance figures.
Staff will regularly monitor attendance data to ensure a child’s education is not being compromised by irregular or poor attendance.