Mount Pleasant Primary School



Special Educational Needs and Disabilities   (SEND)

At Mount Pleasant, we ensure we meet the needs of all our learners, whether those needs are physical, social and emotional or about learning.

All children in our school have support within lessons through high quality teaching and support which is appropriate to their needs. This means that all activities, both inside and outside the classroom, are planned according to the needs of the individual child. This can include changes to the physical environment, changes to teaching styles and different levels of support which may be offered by adults in the classroom.

We maintain high expectations for all pupils and expect progress to be made by every child regardless of any difficulties. Our school works closely to our SEND Policy and Information Report which can be read below:



  • We have a named Governor for SEND: Mrs K Garratt.
  • We have a named Governor for Child Protection, Safeguarding and Children/In Care: Mr Jack Richards.
  • Mrs Claire Woodhall, our Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-Ordinator (SENCo) is a trained teacher and assessor for dyslexia. She can offer advice on any concerns that parents may have about their child. 
  • Mrs Claire Jones is a trained provider for the parents in Partnership Programme and can offer support, advice and training for all parents and carers to support dealing with children at home. 
  • Mrs Jo Webster can offer advice about speech and language development concerns.

The following are the four main categories of Special Educational Needs; they act as a guide but the things we do may vary as the actual support plan offered is based on each individual child's specific needs, which may be complex:

  • Learning, Thinking and Understanding
  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
  • Communication and Interaction
  • Sensory and/or Physical Needs

    Dudley's Local Offer

    Dudley’s Local Offer


    The Local Offer is full of information and advice on things to support you and your child or young person, aged 0-25 with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

    If you need advice on health, education, social care and community support for you and your family visit the Local Offer

    Our Governing Board meets regularly to discuss and agree how we use our resources to ensure that children's needs are met and that we are following our policies. 

sen newsletter september 2024.pdf

If you have any concerns or questions about your child and SEND, please contact Mrs Woodhall via the school office.

(01384 816910)